

Getting started:

1) Print out one species dice set, and one class die.

2) Cut out and glue together the dice accordingly.

3) Find a friend with a species dice set and a class die.



Choosing a dice set:
1) Take notice of the difference in Species: Orcs have the highest attack, Elves the highest defense, and Humans are all around even.

2) Look at the different Classes: Fighters are all around, Clerics have many healing effects, Barbs are all about attack, and Thief’s have many tip effects.

3) Take advantage of your play style when combining a species and class. If you like to drag out a game by healing a lot, an Elf Cleric is just the thing for you, but if you like to attack, an Orc Barb would suit you perfectly. But if you want to make an creative dice combo, an Orc Cleric would be very interesting. The Cleric attribute would make up for the Orc’s lack of defense.

Think hard about what you do.


How to play:
Phase 1 'Roll Em') Both players roll all three of their dice, make sure to not mix up yours with theirs.

Phase 2 'Class Phase') This phase is optional. If you like the face that you rolled on your class die, you can activate it here. Class dice affect your atk and def, you can choose to hold onto a class roll (meaning you don't roll it during phase 1), or you can trigger a class die (apply it's effect to this round). After triggering a class die, you must roll it the next phase 1.

Phase 3 'Calculation Phase') Subtract your attack from your opponents defense (class effect included), and that is the damage they receive; your opponent does the same.


How to play Monster Mode:

In Monster Mode, you can either play by yourself, or with friends. Before play, designate which Monster Dice you are to use, and designate a player to roll the Monster Dice during each Roll Em' phase. Follow their directions (look at the questions for further information on how to use monster dice). You can use Monster Mode as a way to 'play' battles in any role-playing game you wish. It is a fun and quick way to fight rather then having to sift through countless rulebooks and argue with players about what does what.

Phase 1 'Roll Em') Both players roll all three of their dice, and the Monster Dice, make sure to not mix up yours with theirs.


Phase 2 'Class Phase') This phase is optional. If you like the face that you rolled on your class die, you can activate it here. Class dice effect your atk and def, you can choose to hold onto a class roll (meaning you don't roll it during phase 1), or you can trigger a class die (apply it's effect to this round). After triggering a class die, you must roll it the next phase 1.


Phase 3 'Monster Phase') Look over the monsters effect and see if they apply to you; if so, follow its directions.


Phase 4 'Calculation Phase') Subtract your attack from whoever you have decided to attacks defense (if it's a human, class effect included -- if it's a monster, monster effect is included), and that is the damage they receive. If your opponent isn't attacking you, they cannot deal you any damage. You may only attack one person per calculation phase, there is no order to say whom you attack, you just call it. When using a class effect in a multiplayer game, you can choose to have it affect someone other then who you are attacking. An example being, if I were an archer, I can attack one person, and use my class effect 'shoot' and throw my dice at another.≈



Q: What is TIP?!

A: Tip means you can tip either of your Species dice one face over in any direction as many times as stated.


Q: Then WHAT THE HECK IS 'df-tip', 'atk-tip', and 'c-tip'?!!!

A: Well, df-tip means you can tip your opponent's Defense die, atk-tip means you can do the same with their Attack die, and c-tip means you can tip their Class die.


Q: What is 'shoot'?

A: Shoot means this: take your Class die, and chuck it at any of your opponent's dice in order to change their face.


Q: What is 'swap'?

A: Swap means you get to switch either your Atk or Def with any opponets Atk or Def for that turn.


Q: What does 'rr' mean?

A: 'rr' is always paired with a die type: 'rr-df' or 'rr-atk'. The rr class effect allows you to reroll the die stated and choose between the two rolls which you want to be your stats for that turn.


Q: What does 'noclass' mean?

A: No class seems pretty self explanitory: the opponent cannot use their class die.


Q: How do Monster Dice work?

A: A Monster Die has 8 sides and do not need another player to operate. During each Roll Em' phase, roll the Monster Die and follow its directions. On each face of the Monster Die it shows the monsters df and atk, treat these normally. Sometimes there will be an if statement at the bottom of the face, always follow it's directions. If it says something like: if barb +3df, it means that if the player attacking it is a barbarian, then you add 3 df to the monsters current def, not to yours.


Q: Can I use the tip effect on monsters?

A: The tip effect works differently with monsters. If you have an atk tip, you can only use it if the monsters attack is higher then its defense; if you have a def tip, you can only use it if the monsters defense is higher then its attack. You can tip a monster whenever you want with a class tip.


Q: How does the noclass effect work on monsters?

A: The noclass effect, when used on monsters, means that you do not follow its'if statement'.


If you have any other questions e-mail me at redpenguin@penguinbros.com


Dice Sets:

















Giant Spider