You heard it here first… but hardly for the final time! There has been a flurry of activity down at PB-HQ (that’s Penguin Bros Headquarters to you) over the last several days. Lots of planning and preparation, but also content for the here-and-now. There’s a lot to be looking forward to – before anything else can be said on that subject let us turn to some features of the site that have gone untouched for too long.

I’m talking about the navigation bar at the top of the page. For too long the Shop has gone, well, un-shoppable. Beginning soon (in the next two weeks) you will begin to see products available for sale. What kind of products you ask? Sources tell me it’s things you can wear, and things you can read. Exciting, yes?

Secondly is the Projects page. If you go there now you will see a rough list of graphical links to mysterious parts of the site. It’s a little rudimentary right now, but just know I’m furiously working to beautify it as we speak. The links there go to parts of the website we don’t update frequently. That doesn’t mean they aren’t worth your time however.

To close, a Penguinbros Gallery Update. You will be scoping the latest two entries by name: Andy Runton and Rogerio Romano. Respectively.