If you’ve asked me why I haven’t been updating Penguinbros.com for months, or what I have been doing all summer, you would get the same answer: I’ve been working on Penguinbros.com. And here it is! Surprised? In spring, Red Penguin and I decided that we needed a more dynamic and powerful website. Sure, it sounded simple on paper, but this particular omelet required breaking a couple of digital eggs. Luckily, the hard part’s over.

Penguinbros.com now operates through WordPress, which if you didn’t know is a customizable blog interface. My thought was if it’s easier to update, there will be more updates! Although Penguinbros v3.0 was a large update for the structure of the site, it was a visual overhaul as well, so at least some of this transformation won’t be lost on the Yu-Gi-Oh crowd.

Since the site is in its baby steps, any or all (preferably all) problems should be reported to admin@penguinbros.com. We will be updating the page here and there, so if something moves, Don’t Panic! Lots of sweet, sweet content is on the way. It’s a great time to visit Penguinbros.com. Actually, it’s always a great time to visit Penguinbros.com.

Oh, a note to all of you nice people out there. Thanks to WordPress, you can now comment on our posts. Wowie Zowie!

And one last thing. I’m going away to college tomorrow… Frosty Village U, to be exact. It’s very exciting, but it also means I’m going to be away from the website for a bit. Good. I could use a vacation.